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The Rise of StoryBrand®

Why messaging matters.

In the vast landscape of branding literature, few books have made as significant an impact as “Building a StoryBrand.” Written by Donald Miller, this groundbreaking work has not only become a bestseller but has also spawned an entire industry. From agencies to individual consultants, many are now seeking certification in this process, which is a testament to its transformative power.

Beyond Logos and Colors

For the longest time, branding was synonymous with visual elements. Ask someone about a brand, and they’d likely mention its logo, colors or perhaps a catchy jingle. However, the concept of StoryBrand® has shifted this paradigm, emphasizing the importance of messaging in the branding equation.

Miller champions the idea that every brand has a story to tell. But this story isn’t just about the brand itself—it’s about the audience. The book was crafted as a guide for small business owners, many of whom might not have a background in marketing. Through “Building a StoryBrand,” they learn to craft compelling value propositions centered on their target audience.

Drawing inspiration from brand thinkers like Simon Sinek, Miller underscores the importance of understanding the “why” behind a brand. It’s not just about what you sell but why it matters to your customers. This shift from product-centric to customer-centric messaging is what makes StoryBrand® so revolutionary.

The Double-Edged Sword

The meteoric rise of this popular book has led to a proliferation of consultants and agencies offering services based specifically on “Building a StoryBrand.” While this speaks to the methodology’s effectiveness, it also presents a potential pitfall.

Originally conceived as a DIY solution, StoryBrand® was designed to empower business owners to craft their own brand messages. However, with the influx of consultants, there’s a risk of diluting the essence of its original purpose. Moreover, while it’s exceptional for messaging, it doesn’t offer a holistic branding solution.

Advanced businesses with complex needs might find this limiting. For them, a comprehensive approach encompassing brand strategy, messaging and visuals is essential. Relying solely on “Building a StoryBrand” could lead to a myopic view of branding, neglecting other crucial aspects.

In Conclusion

“Building a StoryBrand” has undeniably reshaped the branding landscape, emphasizing the power of messaging. It has democratized branding, allowing even those without a marketing background to craft compelling brand stories. However, like all tools, its effectiveness depends on its application.

Brands must recognize when to use the StoryBrand® method and when to seek a more comprehensive solution. In the words of branding expert Marty Neumeier, “Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.” And while this book can help shape that narrative, a holistic approach ensures that the narrative resonates at every touchpoint. If you’re ready for brand messaging that goes beyond “Building a StoryBrand,” call Big at 866-469-4080.