Here’s your logo,
now let’s get started.
Most ad agencies “do branding,” which typically stops at a logo and matching polo shirts. But The Brand Innovation Group is a branding firm. What’s the difference? Our data-driven, highly collaborative approach guides you through the process of developing and managing strategic, visual and verbal identities that integrate seamlessly into your entire business strategy, from messaging and visual identity to mission, vision and even your culture. You wind up with a comprehensive brand that connects you to the audiences who need you most.
The Big Way.
Over the years, we’ve learned a few truths that guide the way we do what we do.

Love God. Love People. Love Branding.
It’s not a mission statement. It’s a priority list. It’s a reminder that almost everything is bigger than BIG.
Love God.
While we know that not everyone shares the same faith, BIG was founded on and follows Christian principles.
Love people.
Bottom line, it’s what we’re called to do. Whether clients or co-workers, we try to build each other up, and give each other room to be human.
Love branding.
We love what we do. We want to reflect that enthusiasm in every job we do, and every interaction we have.