8 Reasons to Rebrand
As soon as we finished our eight reasons series, we realized there are so many reasons, we couldn’t just stop at eight. But we will stop at 10 (probably). Ready for number nine?
Promotions happen. People retire. Companies reorganize their structure. And inevitably, leadership changes. When someone new comes along to take the reins, everything from the vision, mission, culture and focus of the company might be changed. As we’ve said many times, your brand should match all of these elements. So when a new leader steps in, it’s time for a rebrand.
A new boss usually at least tweaks the mission and vision of a company, if not changing it completely. Sometimes they’re even brought in specifically for that purpose! A rebrand can be used as a vessel for this new chapter—announcing to their audiences old and new what they’re all about and where they’re headed.
Many leaders want to leave their own unique mark on the company once they take over. A rebrand is a great place to start. A fresh perspective can see the brand for what it really is, and with BIG, a rebrand will help express that realness uniquely and effectively. A change in leadership combined with a rebrand can really inspire and unite a company as it enters a new era—and engages with audiences on a whole new level.
Client Case Study
GreenWay Bank
Van Wert Federal Savings Bank was ready to grow, grow, grow. Their new president, Mike Cahill, took a look at every aspect of the business with fresh eyes—including the brand—and knew they needed to change things up. After deciding to expand to Fort Wayne, the bank reached out to BIG so we could help them rebrand in a way that reflected both of their markets and their inspirational growth mindset.
After extensive brainstorming and collaboration, we gave the bank a growth-oriented name, GreenWay Bank, and a matching tagline, “Way to Grow.” We also delivered in-depth messaging and an updated logo and visuals. To modernize the brand’s traditional look and capture its future-focused approach, we provided brighter shades that updated their existing palette. Additionally, we evolved their star-shaped avatar to honor their history while looking ahead. Now, GreenWay Bank’s brand reflects both its successful past and its promising future.