You’ve probably heard the phrase "The medium is the message." It was coined by professor and philosopher Marshall McLuhan way back in 1964 to explain the complicated relationship between a message and how it is conveyed. He believed that the medium used to communicate a message influences how that message is perceived.
Basically, the way you say something is just as important as your actual message.
This idea is even more relevant today as the number and types of mediums we use to communicate continue to grow. The relationship between medium and message is especially relevant as companies are looking for a way to reach and influence Millennials, a culture-influencing generation with increasing buying power. With this notoriously marketing-adverse group, we’ve discovered it’s not always about the message, but rather how that message is delivered.
Big has developed a 75-minute presentation that addresses the issue of generation selling, and how to effectively talk to Millennials in particular. We explain that there is a focused way to think about how we reach this massively diverse audience.
You’ll learn about the unique attributes of various generations, become more aware of their own understanding of the past and present, and be challenged to begin thinking about problems within a new paradigm – one we believe will become a competitive advantage in the future.
Put Big's extensive research experience to work for you. To find out more or to schedule a presentation for your employees, professional group or marketing department, contact Ben Gregory, Big's strategy director, or your account executive.